Another Doctor

Have been quite enjoying checking out our new Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker in the BBC drama Trust Me, but my problem has been that I don't feel much warmth towards the character and what she's doing. Passing yourself off as a doctor is plain sick, and I feel that she deserves to be found out. Also, who was looking after her small daughter when she worked at the hospital into the night? Now that she's left the flat with the built-in babysitter, I can't quite fathom out her child care plans.  And what young woman and single mother in her right mind would move in after a couple of dates, albeit with a doctor? Still, much as I find the whole thing slightly unbelievable, I'll still be turning in next week to watch the last episode.






Sneak preview of Doctor Foster

The highest rated TV drama of 2015 is back this autumn and all I can say at the moment is that I was on the edge of my seat throughout the first episode. More on that soon.

One of the most inspirational women I've interviewed recently is Kate Piper (see under interviews). Best piece of advice she was ever given came from the specialist who treated her. He said: 

“Worry is a total waste of time, all it does is steal your joy and keep you very busy doing nothing at all.”  

And had the best fun over coffee with Fay Ripley who is back in Cold Feet as Jenny this autumn. Will let you know where that interview is due to show up soon. Have to say she is just as funny in real life as her Cold Feet character...if not funnier.